Trite Drivel!

This is where I just talk about things that I kind of want people to hear about but not enough to post it on my story like some sort of attention starved banshee. (no hate though :3)

08/13/24 - Small Web

I ran into this phenomenon called the "small web" the other day, and since finding out about it, I've been hooked. I mean, I haven't picked up anything CS related in years, and here I am learning HTML just for the fun of it. I don't know, but I'm just so glad that there is a movement of people out there that hate conventional social media and the bloating of the modern internet just as much as I do. It's nice to see that there are still people making these niche and strange websites for their niche and strange interests. I really hope this catches on because if it does, that'd be awesome.

08/14/24 - Hallucinations

I keep seeing weird things around my house recently. I don't know how to feel about it. I'm not by any means a superstitious person, and I'm sure these audiovisual phenomena can be explained in a way that doesn't involve crystals or midwestern teenagers who call themsevles Wiccan, but some of these get pretty vivid to be chalked up as visions or something. I'll be in my kitchen late at night--an activity I do almost every day--and I'll look in my window to see some strange figure just kinda standing out in my backyard. I can't tell if they are looking at me or something else, its just kind of there. Sometimes I'll just see stuff lurking in my pantry or hallways that I recently walked through. It's strange because this is a very recent phenomenon for me. I have stayed up late basically every day for the past 8 years of my life, so it's strange to see that these things are only starting now. If I were a less rational person, I would say that it has something to do with someone spiritual that I've inadvertently pissed off, but I'd like to think that someone who has that much of an aversion to me doesn't have a really good arcane hold on my house.

08/25/24 - Compact Cars

You know something I can't stand? When these massive SUVs and pickup trucks just pull up into parking lots and just park in spot that aren't meant for them. I used to drive a Mini Cooper in Texas and now I drive a Volvo C30 in Tennessee, but istg the amount of people ive seen in this world who will drive the largest, most needlessly bloated vehicles just to not only drive them like they're golf carts, but to park them in spots meant for compact and sometimes handicapped cars! The amount of times I have seen a cybertruck sitting outside a parking spot, obstructing handicapped spots outside of my place of work is more than I'd care to admit, and alas, the same thing is happening in tennessee, and I just KNOW the types of people who drive these cars are the same people who say shit like "god i hate fat ppl if you make me uncomfortable in a plane you should buy both seats" and then do shit like this. Like I'm sorry, but I didn't almost get trampled by some fat old veteran's Ram 1500 so a 40 something mom in her Chevy Suburban could act like her car took ozempic too.

09/01/24 - my tummy rumble :/ - The Noid?

My tummy rumbled today in front of god and everybody today and it made me really sad and embarrassed. I have mild gastrointestinal issues because I live in Nashville and food is fried and sad, but it's also good, so I don't care.
I also had the privilege of explaining who the Noid was to some people today as well. It's fucked up, but honestly if I was a paranoid get it? schizophrenic in the 80s I would hold up a Domino's too tbh. Have you seen the way they word those ads? "Don't let the NOID in your pizza!" "The NOID is gonna kill you if you let him into your pizza box." "LeBron reportedly forgot to avoid the Noid today. Will this affect his legacy?" Yeah I'd perforate somebody in record time. Pretty based tbh.

09/18/24 - Gee, college is kicking my ass

Obviously I don't mean that, but to be real, I'm kind of hating the constant dread I feel while being here. See, I didn't choose to be a business major or something and I made the stupid decision of pursuing art in a "sensible way" whatever that means, and now I am in an AET program where every single professor who was wildly successful will wax lyrical about how the industry was so simple back then and will immediately tell you the catch-all method to "making it," only to in the same breath lament about how everything is different now and blah blah blah something something home studio something something TikTok marketing something something. This combined with the theatre double major really ain't helping my morale tbh. Everyone is telling me that I'll never be any less busy than I am right now, and that now is the time to make all my dreams come true, but at the same time, how the hell am I supposed to do that when I'm stuck doing my classes, or the mandatory theatre production I'm supposed to do, or afford gas or groceries, or anything for that matter? It feels like I'm barely reaching the bottom tiers of Maslow's heierarchy of needs, and the moment I reach above, I'll get a 74 on a big test or fall behind on some class. But hey, there's a free climbing wall so I can cope.